I read the Brunei Times this morning and I was quite shocked to see the chart on 'H1N1: MoH policy is 'take care of everyone'. Something not to be proud of, ranking second on the density of cases per 10,000 of the population and first in growth of cases in the past ten days. Instead we should take more precautions in order to protect ourself from infection of H1N1 virus.
Ministry of Health has suggested that proper maintenance of personal hygiene is still the best precaution, other that that, proper ways of wearing the suitable mask whereever we go such as cinema, shopping mall, etc and if you are really sick, get medical attention from the hospital or clinic or even to any function and gathering. In other words, self-quarantine will do.
Currently, there are few articles mentioned about the mutation of the H1N1 virus and other flu virus such as H3N2, etc. When this happen, scientists would have to produced new vaccine that might takes months or even years.
The question is, Are we 100% ready to prevent ourselves from this pandemic cases?
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