Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

This morning my two adorable daughters gave me a card each. Look simple but their creative work of art are very expensive with the words "I love you Daddy". They designed the card themselves. Anyway, those are my most beautiful and expensive gift ever.

So to all daddy out there especially to my wonderful dad, 'Happy Father's day'.

Long time no update....

Wow! Long time no update.... well, sorry guys. busy weeks. Hardly spent more than 1 hour on internet per day. I only can check my facebook. Anyway, just to share what I had caught during my absent online....

I went to the multipurpose hall close to Indoor Stadium Berakas where the Pesta Sukan Remaja's silat competition was held. Got some photos shot despite of my knee pain 'again!'.

Beside that, I had the Physics Camp for my Menengah 5 Physics students. The main objective of this camp activities is to prepare my students to face their coming GCE O level examination with self-confidence and well-prepared. This involved mind and concept mapping, how to begin your revision exercise and what are the environment factors can affect your revision and guide to overcome those obstacles. Still on-going and hope they can create their own study environment at home and school for revision later on. One of the activities is shown below.

So, that's all guys that I would share at this moment. MOre to be covered this morning, but somehow....I felt asleep for a long time. Ok then more stories later.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Badminton Friendly Match

Yesterday afternoon, I was involved in the friendly badminton match between SMSB and SM PAP Masna. The match was held in SM PAP Masna hall. The badminton matches are divided into 2 categories, namely teachers and students.
Before the match, we have a group photos and followed by group handshakes. Anyway, we all have a great match with those teachers and students. Overall, for the students categories my school lost to SM PAP Masna but the teachers categories, we won.

Hopefully, in the future, we can have this friendly match again. After all, we want to make new friends in all schools in Brunei Darussalam.